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Zdravoo! Kako si? I've made a conjugation template for Turkish verbs, it'd be great if you could check sevmek. Something's incorrect or weird on that template? I found the tenses online, so... :D I'm not that sure. And I know, the tables look a bit crushed, working on it :D Barishan (razgovor) 12:43, 27 august 2012 (KSV)Odgovori

Sorry for being late. Work, work, work... :) I can't do anything with the template "tr-glagol" because, when I open it for editing, there's nothing to edit. :-) I don't know if you did something with it meanwhile (just send me the link if you have something for me ;)). Also, you are not the only one who's active here ;) - you're just the only regular one. :D I just don't have time for all Wiki-projects, although the wish is in the heart. ;) -- KWiki (razgovor) 12:08, 8 septembar 2012 (KSV)Odgovori
This is the main template, Šablon:tr-konj-sug and the one that is editable, the conjugations in the articles (for example in vermek) are automatically shown. Well so sorry, this sole activeness makes me feel kind of alone :D Ah I feel you. I guess I won't be able to be here that much, after 2-3 weeks. Barishan (razgovor) 23:13, 10 septembar 2012 (KSV)Odgovori
Hehe, I understand that feeling. :) Well, I made just one repeated correction in the template because I remembered that I don't know anything about Turkish grammar (including Turkish /names for/ tenses). :-) So, I left the rest of it unchanged - it's no problem for it to stay like this. You did quite good job here. If I had some medals, I know who would receive them. :-) Stay well, arkadaș. :) I will continue to check the things here from time to time, insha'llah. -- KWiki (razgovor) 23:40, 10 septembar 2012 (KSV)Odgovori
Well, thanks a lot :) I wish I spoke Bosnian better to contribute more, but that's all I got :D Anyway, the tenses are respectively Simple Present, Present Continuous, Simple Past, Past Continuous and Future. And about your username, I'll try to do something but I'm really ignorant about this rules and formalities stuff :D Barishan (razgovor) 23:00, 11 septembar 2012 (KSV)Odgovori

Hey, it's so good to know that you're still (-occasionally-) around here :) Well I guess we have a lot more languages to contribute now here in bs.wiktionary, I'm trying to prepare declension templates in several languages. I also want to prepare something like Šablon:Broj-bs, just in the same form with Šablon:Broj-tr. Would you be interested in getting this one? Because I don't want to make any mistakes in Bosnian numerals. As you see, everything's same here. How is it going on your side? :) Barishan (razgovor) 03:09, 12 novembar 2012 (KSV)Odgovori

OK. Just like before: when you finish, just (b)link me. :)) I'll check when I got time. Mistakes are there to be corrected, so take it easy. :) On my side? Well, work is chasing me around. :) I'm trying to get away, but he's quite persistent. :) -- KWiki (razgovor) 09:51, 12 novembar 2012 (KSV)Odgovori
Uh, you really need a break at your work, I see it's tiring you already :) Well actually I created Šablon:Broj-bs, no, I have to admit that I just copy-pasted it from the Basque page :) But I'm not sure about the "i". Should it be, for example, sedamdeset i jedan or just sedamdeset jedan? And are there any differences between Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian cardinal numbers? I thought that "i" might be one of them, among other (probable) spelling differences. Barishan (razgovor) 02:18, 13 novembar 2012 (KSV)Odgovori
There's no difference, with or without "i" - both is correct in B/C/S(/M). But, language is economical so it's more common to use numbers without "i". We usually use "i" in numbers when we want to emphasize (second) number. I'll check the template later. -- KWiki (razgovor) 13:51, 13 novembar 2012 (KSV)Odgovori
Thank you so much! That's going to be awesome! :) Barishan (razgovor) 00:44, 19 novembar 2012 (KSV)Odgovori
Not at all. I'm here to help (occasionally). :) Check this. ;) --KWiki (razgovor) 00:56, 19 novembar 2012 (KSV)Odgovori



Za početak stavljaj odma te babele na svojoj korisničkoj stranici. Na wiki rječniku si čovječe. :) -- Edinwiki (razgovor) 22:08, 9 april 2013 (KSV)Odgovori

Hahaha. :) OK. A ti si fakat munja od čovjeka. :) "Mr. Project Man". :) -- KWiki (razgovor) 22:18, 9 april 2013 (KSV)Odgovori

botovski poslovi


Ako tokom rada, bilo šta nađeš da misliš da se može automatizirati, samo mi javi. Pošto se još nisam udubio u rad ovdje ne znam kvakve su ove mogućnosti, ali očekivam da se dosta toga može automatski odraditi. Samo eto da znaš. :) -- Edinwiki (razgovor) 20:18, 14 april 2013 (KSV)Odgovori

Verb forms


Hi there, everything seems OK in conjugated verb forms such as förstod and förståtts? I'm not exactly sure if they're really Particip prezenta and P. preterita, so the conjugation table in förstå needs to be checked, too :) Thanks in advance! Barishan (razgovor) 23:24, 18 april 2013 (KSV)Odgovori

Checked. ;) förstå is OK. Although I don't have a clue about Swedish grammar. :D But I do have some clue about grammar. :) -- KWiki (razgovor) 23:58, 18 april 2013 (KSV)Odgovori
Thanks a lot, as always! :) Barishan (razgovor) 19:23, 19 april 2013 (KSV)Odgovori

Just a quick check, is that correct about izborni/alternativni pravopisi in ایسیم ? Or should it be just the opposite? :D Barishan (razgovor) 14:02, 22 april 2013 (KSV)Odgovori

Oops! :D You're the best! Barishan (razgovor) 17:41, 23 april 2013 (KSV)Odgovori
I know, I know... :D -- KWiki (razgovor) 17:46, 23 april 2013 (KSV)Odgovori

objedinio račune


pa između ostalih, i ovdje navratio--Palapa (razgovor) 18:17, 6 maj 2013 (KSV)Odgovori



Da provjeriš: [1] -- Edinwiki (razgovor) 11:41, 3 juni 2013 (KSV)Odgovori

Wikirječnik i Wikidata


Postavljena je diskusija uvezi uvođenja Wikidata na Wikirječnik, i šta bi se sve moglo uraditi. Ako te interesuje pogledaj ovdje (diskusija je na stranici za razgovor). -- Edinwiki (razgovor) 09:33, 24 juni 2013 (KSV)Odgovori



Hey there! It's been a long time, how are you doing? Barishan (razgovor) 16:40, 8 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori

Barishan: Well, this is one of the longest "a-whiles" that I saw. :-)) I am good (thanks for asking) and I wish the same for you. Same old, same old: Monday–Friday busy, weekends free. You did not miss much. What's up over there? – KWiki (razgovor) 23:26, 8 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori
It is indeed a long one! Well, the routine goes on, except we've been experiencing some extraordinary days lately :) But I am OK. Barishan (razgovor) 15:21, 13 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori

Bosanski rječnik


Speaking of pravopis, is there a good online monolingual dictionary of the Bosnian language? Or maybe an app? Although I do it rarely, it's still a real challenge for me to add definitions when I create Bosnian words. And is there an online (or app) bilingual (EN-BS) dictionary you would recommend? Also, what is the singular form of "knjigoljupci"? Thank you so much again in advance! Barishan (razgovor) 13:11, 20 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori

@Barishan: In my work I mostly use Hrvatski jezični portal (HJP). Yes, it is for Croatian, but the differences are very minor; I recommend it to everyone. Go to "Upute o čitanju rječničke baze" to see details about their word base (I will translate what you can't understand, just send me the sentence/s/ in question.) I don't know about apps – I never looked for them. Singular of "knjigoljupci" is "knjigoljubac" ("a" in -ac disappears from most cases except from N sg. and G pl /knjigoljubaca/; consequently, voiced B is then influenced by unvoiced C and changes to its unvoiced pair, P.) – KWiki (razgovor) 14:06, 20 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori
When you are checking a word on HJP, for many of them there is a complete declination or conjugation (click on "Izvedeni oblici"). – KWiki (razgovor) 14:13, 20 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori
Thanks a lot! I also thought it'd be -ac but I searched it as "knjigoljupac" instead. Now it is clear, ljubiti of course. Yes I knew about and was using HJP, just can't always be sure about the differences between bosanski and hrvatski. Barishan (razgovor) 14:22, 20 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori
I know, but you can always ask me here when you are not sure. :) (Although, I might not answer immediately every time.) – KWiki (razgovor) 14:28, 20 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori
A quick request then, can you please translate the example of Evlija Čelebija in the etimologija section of denizanası? I wrote it in English, and I thought it was a hilarious euphemism. Barishan (razgovor) 15:25, 20 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori
Hahaha :-D :-D It really means... this? Really? What a language! :-)) ;-) – KWiki (razgovor) 15:41, 20 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori
I know right! I had no idea either... The modern word itself sounds funny as well ("morska majka") so I just wanted to know where it came from, couldn't be more satisfied with any research! Barishan (razgovor) 15:57, 20 juni 2020 (KSV)Odgovori

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18:10, 4 januar 2022 (KSV)